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What Is Revenue Acceleration?

What can I do with technology to increase my ability to generate revenue? This question has made into all aspects of life, from daily routines to enthralling value propositions. With all aspects of business are becoming increasingly tech-driven what does this mean for the efforts to increase revenue? To better understand the future of this crucial aspect of all business ventures, let’s get to the fundamentals.

What is Revenue Acceleration?

The process for revenue acceleration involves bringing together sales, marketing and customer service to reach a common purpose of increasing revenue. A consistent and coordinated communication strategy with optimized tools and a clear, concise plan of action is crucial to a successful revenue acceleration process. Revenue acceleration is the next phase of strategies can be divided into three fundamental elements.

Parts Of the Next Generation Revenue Acceleration Strategies

Whatever strategy you choose for a plan to increase revenue you should be able to meet the three elements to make sure you implement it successfully:


To create a single base of truth that which you can rely on your business decisions on and also to free your team from the constraints that manual data input. Look at all the disparate data sets that are generated in a sales cycle and combine them into an opportunity-focused, deal-velocity-oriented view.


A combination of AI and a thorough knowledge of the factors that drive sales and the people behind it is the ideal solution. Select a platform that can the integration of your CRM as well as email and calendar to produce important insights that will assist your sales teams to move toward accelerating revenue goals.


Enabling you and your team with the ability to take smart choices at the right moment. Practice Nudge Theory, find guided-selling intelligence that actively suggests actions your sales reps need to do.
Steps to Accelerate Revenue

Utilizing the components mentioned above, utilize the following stages to construct an income timeline to guide your growth efforts.

Personalized Engagement:

Chatbots that live chat provide a continuous stream of communications to the user. Older CRMs restrict the Marketing, Customer Service and SDR teams in data isolated. If information is provided in a concise, clear and simple format, creating personalized relationships with customers becomes much simpler. A great way to accomplish this is to implement systems that use nudges as well as information that breaks down the data into bite-sized chunks.

Sequence of Expedite Deals:

The insights from deals and the nudges could help close deals earlier than expected. When analyzing current and past stream of data, AI engine can forecast future successes and identify deals you may not have thought of in your current or future quarter’s pipeline. A platform that alerts you to these opportunities with an nudge theory-based system can speed up deal cycles.

Integrate on All Levels:

At the conclusion of any revenue acceleration overhaul the target should be the complete integration of all the elements previously mentioned. By maximizing retention of data, and getting rid of data silos, obsolete spreadsheets, CRM and other limiting system of containment, you will be seeing the acceleration of revenue taking place. In conjunction with the insights gained from artificial intelligence, and platforms that implement Nudge Theory’s methodology Nudge Theory on all revenue acceleration teams (SDR Marketing, CS, SDR and so on.) will yield the most effective outcomes.

AI for Revenue Acceleration

In this area, vendors employ machine learning algorithms to an individual’s past opportunities and account data to offer statistically-derived data to sales reps within three areas including predictors of future forecasts, pipeline examination and lead, opportunity and account health scoring.

The business benefit of the technology is enormous as customers experience higher close rates on deals and better forecast accuracy. Sales reps benefit through data gathered from various sources. They also receive personalised suggestions.

Sales Performance Management:

SPM(inextricably tied with Conversational Engage Analytics). We realize that although we’re enthusiastic about AI-driven go-to-market strategies and implementation, GTM is first and foremost a people-centric operation.

Predictive Sales Forecasting:

The most effective way to reduce unexpected surprises is to use a thorough deal inspection procedure. We don’t offer you only a number. We look over your deal history and incorporate important indicators like interaction and engagement with your key customers, and then notify you of any changes that occur on your desk, or while on the move with our mobile applications. First time ever, look at the status of your pipeline in real time and take the necessary action.

The Knowledge graph for sales:

The platform for business revenue acceleration enhances the potential that your online exhaust can bring by establishing one source of information that can build your business around an outline of your professional life which goes beyond organizations and also illuminates the relationships they have quantified. Who do you know within your organization? Who could introduce to you? What’s the most important player that you’re missing from your sales team? We automatically build and improve your contact list to ensure that your sales team are able to focus on selling and your Marketing team can reap the rewards from the day-to-day activities of your sales team.

Voice-Driven Sales Apps:

In the world of everyday life, voice is now an intriguing alternative to typing text to complete tasks such as controlling your lighting, performing the quickest search, or even sending messages. We believe that voice is going to play an ever-growing role in improving efficiency in GTM work completion. Making a quick data point will save you only a few clicks, or creating the report you require during an event.