It’s that everything is becoming automated nowadays.
and I mean everything.
Who would have thought we’d automate development teams?
69% of companies in the field of development believe that automation and process enhancement is the top priority, therefore it’s only natural that we’re moving towards this direction.
This increase in automation has created a brand new development model , known as NoOps that stands for no operations.
The name implies that this method does not require input from operations, removing the “operate” stage of the model for continuous development.
That’s right. The developers can be adept at launching and testing and fixing applications on the in real-time, without delays or interruptions.
Keep reading as I explain the basics of what NoOps is, the advantages of its use and the best way to use it.
How do I define NoOps?
NoOps is a revolutionary development method that relies developers of having to collaborate with members of operations which speeds up deployment time testing, workflow, and deployment.
It comes from the well-known model of operations and developers teams working together, referred to as DevOps.
Instead of working in tandem, service providers provide development teams with the right cloud infrastructure patches, backups and the resources to do their work independently.
This means that programmers do not require approval or feedback in the course of development and are able to be completely independent.
This allows the operations department to concentrate on what they are best at like managing projects, acquiring talent as well as other areas.
In reality, NoOps is typically most efficient for startups that start with this model of continuous development. It’s much harder to make the switch to NoOps if you have already established pipelines, environments and deployment processes.
For instance, NoOps does not work effectively for businesses which are still using an outdated monolithic application. This will require a complete overhaul of their entire codebase to ensure it is in line to the NoOps philosophy.
In addition, if a firm implements NoOps later in its period of business, they could need to reduce its operations staff size.
If a company launches using the NoOps strategy from the beginning it has the possibility of remaining lean for a longer period. The savings could be used to fund other areas of business growth, for instance marketing.
What are the benefits of NoOps?
There are numerous advantages to be gained from using an NoOps model. One of the most important is that it can speed up the development time.
Since they don’t have to travel back and forth between operators, developers can release new features, changes and whole apps faster than they have ever.
The process is speeded up through the provision of pre-configured templates to run a certain type of application, for example, for instance, a Node.js microservice. This means that there is no time spent configuring and securing the application’s deployment since everything is already configured by the template. This kind of simple-to-use experience is also known by the term Developer Experience (DX).
This means that achieving milestones will be much easier and faster. Due to this increased development speed businesses can earn more revenue faster, as the software will be developed before schedule.
Additionally, NoOps allows developers and teams in operations to focus on what they are best at in developing and operating.
Each department of a business can be able to double up and increase their productivity due to the additional attention and time that is gained through this model of continuous development.
How do you implement NoOps?
The most straightforward way to implement this approach is to utilize the NoOps funnel software, like Buddy which provides controlled cloud storage processes, deployments with zero downtime as well as automated operation. It’s the most practical and easy way to start using NoOps.
The debugging of code and other operations will have to be handled in-house, however much of the infrastructure will be handled by developers.
Because these services generally allow multiple users to use multiple accounts at the same time It improves collaboration.
When you have successfully connected to a service provider, it is recommended to consider revising your processes for:
What does the operation team need to concentrate on in the face of a myriad of tasks that are now outsourced.
Expectations and deadlines for projects because changes and deployments can be completed more quickly.
Problems with NoOps
The principles behind this NoOps movement are valid, however NoOps isn’t without its difficulties. The concept behind NoOps is founded on the notion that automation is able to handle any need, and thus does away with the need for human intervention.
Many organizations do not realize that containerized services are still able to fail and require maintenance. Based on my own experiences, I can tell that my microservices-based firm was equipped with an emergency team that was in place in the night time to pull up containers that had failed (which was once every 2-3 weeks).
While you must consider the possibility of failure, which likely requires the intervention of a human, NoOps is still able to take away the greatest required human interventionthe need for human intervention – DevOps.
Future of NoOps
NoOps can play a crucial role for many startups as well as product-as a service (PaaS) businesses. It allows them to go to market more quickly and make money faster.
It is also a good fit for the agile method of development where you can have rapid releases. NoOps is able to provide this flexibility by deploying your product quickly to allow you to test it.
However, the near future could lead us further into Intelligent-Ops which can include the application technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to control deployments of software. For instance, AI could learn patterns that identify common mistakes or examine logs to find errors and then learn from them. The first step is that the AI analyses logs and finds patterns that allow it to inform the team on what could have gone wrong.
Final Thoughts
The majority of companies utilize an ongoing development model of any kind generally. If you’re among those teams, you should stop worrying about deployment and begin looking ahead to it using NoOps.
NoOps is an ideal option for software companies looking to scale, optimize the development process, and automating daily processes.
This model was born from the DevOps model to meet the goals of increasing automation and speedier deployments.
It’s best suited for start-up businesses that are able to build the business model around this right from the start because it’s harder to change the entire structure of a business when a model such as DevOps is in place.
Contact an NoOps supplier if think it’s the right direction develop your team, and begin enjoying the benefits now.