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Reasons why you need Connetix in your playroom

As a mom of three It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the amount of toys available for kids. We’re bombarded by advertisements regarding what they require. A lot of them claim to aid their development and learning.

I’ve been on a quest for minimalistism for the past three years. I was overwhelmed by the mess and the piles of toys that were on the floors made me feel stressed. My children didn’t have enough fun with the toys they had, and I was feeling like I had to take care of them frequently.

We got rid of more than 50% of their toys, and my youngest son got enthusiastic about it. He figured out what to keep or give away and then he put the profits in his jam Jars.

We’ve disposed of the majority of noisy batteries, plastic toys, and only a handful of high-quality toys remain.

I bought a few cheap magnetic tiles from a renowned departmental store, to check if my kids would enjoy playing with the tiles. They were very popular, however I realized that the magnets weren’t as strong therefore their creations could fall to the ground quickly.

I conducted some study about brands, and found that the most popular responses and reviews were all about Connetix. I used the money I earned from selling the cheap tiles and other toys to fund the purchase of a Connetix tiles 100 piece set. It was an amazing experience. Much better than what we had previously. I returned to purchase another 100 pack, then the Mega pack once it came out as well as the base plate.

Here are five reasons you require Connetix to help you live your best life.

1. Open ended.

They’re the ultimate, toy that is open-ended. If you’re looking to get rid of things that do more, these might be what you’re looking for. I am awestruck by the many ways magnets can be utilized. They can create designs on the floor, on a fridge or whiteboard or even leaned against the window. They can be put in the form of a tower. They can create an entire rainbow. They could become an avenue, a tunnel or cubby box to store toys.

My boys are obsessed with testing the walls to find out the places they can stick, and then create elevator buttons. They create pretend radios and drone controllers. They study science engineering, technology, and math (STEM) and also allow the children to be imaginative. Take a look at their social media accounts to get endless ideas on what they can do with them.

2. Portable.

They’re great to bring when you go on vacation. Recently, we took an excursion to the beach and resided in a tiny house. I only brought toys for babies such as cars, art projects, and Connetix to entertain our three boys during the duration of the week. On one day, we had 9 year old boys over. They spent the whole day playing with Connetix together with our oldest son on the small balcony. The lure of the adjacent playground was enough to deter the children from their playground.

Their father was amazed by this incredible toy. It captured their attention in a way that had never seen before. He asked them what it called and then messaged his wife immediately with Google hyperlinks to purchase. I’ll bring them with me on all trips going forward, because they’re amazing and versatile.

3. All Ages.

Connetix is great for everyone of all ages. Anything from 3 to, Connetix is loved by everyone. I love the fact that children have various uses for them, and their interactions evolve as they grow older. Even as an adult, I enjoy playing with them and testing new things.

I enjoy watching my cousins as well as aunties, uncles, and grandparents visit and play playing with tiles. The intergenerational games are beautiful to watch. There’s been many a moment where the children have gone off to play outside , and the adults continued to play, commenting that they’d love an entire set for Christmas!

4. They are secure.

The magnets are secured inside each tile by the use of ultrasonic welding as well as rivets. Connetix are frequently tested and meet the safety standards for toys sold to consumers. They are safe, BPA free and pthalate free food-grade plastic.

In contrast to cheaper alternatives, Connetix prides itself on creating a product that’s safely tested and suitable for children. If you look at both brands it is easy to tell the distinction. I’ll never return!

5. They’re a excellent value for the money.

I estimated that if you invest $300 in Connetix and your kids use them every day during the whole year say , 300 per year, and then utilize them for five years (say 3-8 years old) which equates up to 1500 hours. That’s a whopping 20 cents per usage! I don’t think it’s not a problem when you think about it this way.

Similar to Lego, Duplo and train tracks, I think Connetix will be worth each penny. They’ll be used frequently and will become a favorite at home. If, for any reason, they aren’t being utilized, you can sell them for a similar price you paid when you bought them for (and consider it to be hiring at no cost).

Don’t just rely on my words for it, read the numerous reviews or contact the company. Connetix are a well-known brand for an reason. I suggest you look at them and possibly buying a few packs.

You can sell your unwanted (or irritating) toys to pay for them in addition to other items within your home that you don’t want. You could ask for money to Connetix for birthdays or Christmas when your relatives are in search of ideas. I’ve hosted fiver parties at which guests are able to bring $5 towards an item of a larger size should they wish it, which will help reduce waste on small items that aren’t needed. Consider using Connetix. I’m sure you will be happy!