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The Most Popular Fireworks In The UK


The most commonly known type of fireworks, when launched into the air the Rocket can reach an amazing height. It is dependent on the type of rocket that is used it can rise to 30 – 60 metres before exploding with a booming sound (also known as the report).

Roman Candle

Roman Candles are typically made out of a cardboard casing, and are filled with small balls that shoot stars on a regular basis following ignition. Like rockets Roman Candles can be used both individually and in conjunction with the Cake. Roman Candles release stars in just a single color or in a variety colours. A number of noise effects are offered for these fireworks, such as crackles and hummers.


Fountains are a fantastic option for those who wish to experience the beautiful aesthetics of fireworks but without the loud and often awe-inspiring sound effects like whistles or bangs. The term “fountains” is used to describe them because, once lit, they release a shower of sparks. The dimensions of the Fountain container will dictate how big the Shower and how long it will last Some Fountains last for many minutes.

Catherine Wheel

Catherine Wheels get their name from St. Catherine who, according to legend, was to be martyred upon the wheel that spins. The sounds associated with Catherine Wheels are crackles and whistles, which are emitted as the coil turns. Catherine Wheels are great to watch on their own but they can also be set up in different configurations.


The effects of a Mine firework may be short-lived however it’s certainly impressive and breathtaking. Also known as “pot a feu,” the mine shoots from a mortar shell at low ground level. It then shoots colorful stars in the sky with various flashes and bangs. Mines generally are the loudest of all fireworks, with noise levels occasionally reaching 120 decibels.

Visit Galactic Fireworks for the latest fireworks for sale.


Cakes are made up of a set of fireworks which can be ignited in succession which allows for a custom-designed mini show in a small package. They typically consist of Rockets, Roman Candles or an amalgam of both. Cakes are equipped with an internal fuse system that allows fireworks to be lit instantly, whether all simultaneously or in a predetermined sequence. A lot of Cakes will only last for several seconds, while some packages may fire for hours at a time as well as some with the vicinity of a thousand tubes. Most professional displays employ”final cakes,” which contain batches of shells. These cakes can weigh over 100 pounds before firing!


Barrage fireworks are packaged, ready Cakes that include a variety of firework varieties to create their own distinctive effect. It’s not surprising that they are among the most popular firework products in the UK and allow people to purchase a brilliant display in a small box. Similar to Cakes Barrages might include a mixture of fireworks, such as Mines along with Roman Candles. In essence, those looking to host their own show can buy many Barrages and ignite one at a given time for a prepared fireworks display.


Sparklers are made up of a tiny metallic stick that is lit and emits a constant stream of sparks. Modern varieties may be constructed from wood and have a paper tube that is attached. They, when lit, emit sparkles that change color due to the use of different substances.